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Altitude TrainingThe impact of Altitude Training on Muscle Oxygenation Measurements

The impact of Altitude Training on Muscle Oxygenation Measurements

Altitude poses numerous challenges to the human body, including temperature drops, high wind speeds, ozone concentration, increased solar radiation, isolation, and, most importantly, a lack of oxy...

CyclingHow intense was your training? Did you give it your all?

How intense was your training? Did you give it your all?

This blog discusses the subjective and objective measures of exercise intensity, focusing on Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and heart rate. It highlights the limitations of RPE due to its subject...

Muscle OxygenHow do Train.Red NIRS devices work?

How do Train.Red NIRS devices work?

Train.Red utilizes infrared light in the near-infrared region to measure changes in oxygenation levels in the muscle tissue. By distinguishing between oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin based on the...

Muscle OxygenThe basic physiology of muscle oxygen uptake explained - Train.Red

The basic physiology of muscle oxygen uptake explained

The body uses multiple biochemical systems to produce ATP (muscle fuel) during exercise, with one system requiring oxygen. The distribution and consumption of oxygen play a crucial role in performa...

Muscle OxygenAre your muscles REaDy for Train.Red? - Train.Red

Are your muscles REaDy for Train.Red?

Train.Red is a corporate spin-off from Artinis Medical Systems B.V. that helps athletes optimize their muscle performance. Train.Red's data is comprehensible, state-of-the-art, and validated, allow...